This new manual was compiled by a joint committee in which we were a member and is intended as a guideline for repairing wooden beam foundations and foundations on steel.
Not only are the technical aspects of foundation repair dealt with, but the manual is also a source of information for residents/owners that are confronted with this problem. And there are a quite a few: an estimated 300,000 residences will require foundation repairs in the coming 20 years. The book will be available since May 2. The printed version can then be ordered as a Civil Engineering Centre for Execution of Research and Regulation (CUR)publication via www.curnet.nl
The first copy of the CUR/SBR Foundation Repair Manual (Handboek Funderingsherstel) was presented to Alderman Karakus of Rotterdam by André Opstal of Ingenieursbureau Gemeentewerken Rotterdam, who was also chairman of the joint committee (right in the picture).